Sunday, October 23, 2011

The 2011 Calendar- October

This week we bring to you the 2011 calendar page for October. It’s a couple of my favorite photos from a series of slides that I have of men involved with the U.S. Department of the Interior. They appear to be possibly surveying and exploring areas in Arizona, Colorado and Utah for gas and oil exploration. I’ve been trying to find more info about these men. You can see more of the photos as well as the info that I have about them printed on the backs of the slides here. In addition to all of the other great jeep gifts that you can find in the Zazzle store marketplace you can still buy the calendar full of new never before seen photos. I have another seven t-shirt ideas to upload and more mugs, hats, mousepads and more coming soon. I hope to get to them in this upcoming week and of course, a 2012 calendar is in the works! Keep checking back here or on Facebook or our Twitter feed for more! And please remember that if you appreciate you can help us to stay online by donating through our Paypal link here and thank you! Every bit helps!

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