Sunday, March 18, 2012

Three More Early Civilian Ads

Today we have three early ads for the civilian CJ2-A that probably date from about 1946 judging from the graphic design work involved. I love these ads and ones like them as they show the overwhelming possibilities and the eager optimism that pervaded not only Willys-Overland’s post-war dreams but the American public’s as well. With the war over, the world economy blossomed and the dreams of many an American turned to not only the work before them but their newfound leisure time. And the jeep could help out with both of these pursuits. Click here to view them and many other ads for the timeless CJ. Come back next week when I plan on beginning the series of paintings created by James Sessions, Charles Horndorf, John Howard and Benton Clark for Willys that were published in the famous late war and early post-war ads to spread the legend of the jeep’s wartime exploits. Its been a long time in the making but its coming to next week! Today is also the final day to pick up t-shirts in the Zazzle marketplace at 40% off when you enter the code YOURPOTOGOLD at checkout. Check them out and get ready for spring today!

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