Sunday, July 15, 2012

Uncredited Photos From The LIFE Magazine Archive

As many shots as I found through Google and their stellar archiving of the LIFE Magazine photo collection there seem to be as many that are accessible through random Google searches that pop up in web pages. As I was collecting and downloading the photos directly through Google I found these and the search began again. I’m still trying to do an exhaustive compilation of them. As of today after these 39 I still have about another 120 images that I’ve found.
Enjoy these as I don’t think that to many of these have been seen too often. I know that alot of them were completely new to me. There are also many photos in which the jeep isn’t necessarily the main focus of the photo and it may just be a background detail. I almost didn’t include these shots, but then thought that the jeep was such a common thing to find amidst the huge scale of a world war. But, regardless, in the spotlight or not, the jeep was always there, always willing and always able to serve. And so these photos are included as well.
Come back next week and I’ll try to include more. I also have extra credited photos from many photographers that I have already covered that I found afterwards that I’ll be adding. These today all come from one website. Its called and its a French website and can be found here. A big thumbs up to them! There are quite a few more just from this website alone, so be patient I’ll try to get to them as soon as possible, but this project is turning out to be a longer one than I had originally thought that it would be!
In the meanwhile you can always visit our online store here and check out the Friday the 13th sale... 13.13% off everything in the store for the rest of the weekend!


  1. Great pictures, the Jeep has become a symbol of classic American military history. I always love to see these old Jeeps; sad you don't see more restored Jeeps around.
