“Watch Me, Said The Jeep” is a story of a jeep that plainly believed that he and his driver, Private Gilhooley could do things and go places that three staff cars driven by a Captain, a Major and a Colonel, couldn’t. I’ve been looking for a copy of this children’s book for awhile. I still don’t have a physical copy but I do have a source to read it online. The Hollywood Animation Archive part of the International Animated Film Society hosts a digital copy of the book, by the Hungarian born artist, Tibor Gergely. Gergely, a mainly self taught artist illustrated many of the well known children’s Little Golden Books that many of us, myself included, remember growing up.
This book is well worth a look at whether you’re reading to your future jeep loving kids or yourself. While they couldn’t allow me to reproduce the book in its entirety due to copyright issues, they do allow anyone to view the entire book
here. The site is also chock full of other interesting and informative stories and illustrations and artwork. It’s worth a look and you can lose yourself here.
It’s also This-Old-Jeep.com’s one year anniversary this month! In honor of it, this month I will be doing a bit of early spring cleaning on the website. I have many, many items that didn’t fit in anywhere else and will be posting them up as part of a hodgepodge collection. I also have many photos from the This-Old-Jeep.com 2011 calendar that I haven’t shown before. Certain sections of the site also need to be updated and tweaked, such as the Old Jeep Manual section which I plan on updating with downloadable PDFs. If you have any suggestions on how to freshen up the site or how it could function or look better, please feel free to contact me at ThisOldJeepDotCom@gmail.com. In the meanwhile stay tuned!