Friday, February 25, 2011

Three Ads From Our Neighbors To The North

Today we have three ads that I’ve found via Google news archives searches. There are a ton of old articles and ads that you can find and view online. Given the time I hope to catalogue quite a few more of these lost and largely forgotten little snippets.

These ads from the Calgary Herald of 1950/51 and the Vancouver Herald of 1949 are a reminder that not only was the postwar jeep a wild success in the United States, but the world over. As the jeep had won the hearts of a worldwide populace, so too did the civilian models with their can-do approach to the jobs that needed to be done after the war.

I also plan on trying to put together a family tree of sorts of the various jeep export models that sprouted up after the war from the Mahindra of India to the Viasa of Spain. I think that there is a wealth of little known models and variations that exist out there that sprouted up from the original forefathers of the jeep. I’m calling on my overseas readers for help in this endeavor. I need any information, links, histories, scans of brochures, old photos and new that you can provide. Please contact me at I’m not sure how long this will take as I would like it to be quite extensive, but keep checking back!

Stay tuned for three photos coming this Sunday! Until then you can as always click here to view the entire album.

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